Is money a necessity for living or survival?

Is Money a Necessity for Living or Survival? Exploring the Fundamental Role of Currency in Human Existence 

Is money a necessity for living or survival? It is a vital question in the current circumstances when the role of currency in human existence becomes a prime issue of discussion.  Humans always embrace money as a pivotal means to make ends meet. However, how modern people prioritize its essentiality ultimately transcends the boundary of […]

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Is craving money all the time a mental illness?

Is Craving Money All the Time a Mental Illness? Exploring the Thin Line Between Ambition and Obsession 

Is craving money all the time a mental illness? It is a million-dollar question, especially in a world where humans measure success with the parameter of financial prosperity. It is true that since the inception of human civilization, the pursuit of wealth, especially money, has emerged as an integral part of human desire. Most people, […]

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The world's obsession with money

The World’s Obsession with Money: Unmasking the Global Obsession with Wealth

The world’s obsession with money is undeniable, especially when the clinking of metal coins and the smell of paper currencies dominate human civilization’s prime demand and interests.  Unquestionably, it is impossible to ignore the omnipresent influence of money. Day or night, every hour of the human life clock embraces dependency on wealth. In the real […]

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